Procatavola Key Lime Star (C. Lime Sherbet × Brassavola nodosa)
This is another easy to grow Brassavola nodosa hybrid that produces a rapid reward for all growers.
Five in. flowers are well presented on inflorescence with 2-3 flowers. Blooming size plants offered are growing in 2 or 3 in. pots. Many have bloomed or are spiking in this size.
This is another easy to grow Brassavola nodosa hybrid that produces a rapid reward for all growers.
Five in. flowers are well presented on inflorescence with 2-3 flowers. Blooming size plants offered are growing in 2 or 3 in. pots. Many have bloomed or are spiking in this size.
This is another easy to grow Brassavola nodosa hybrid that produces a rapid reward for all growers.
Five in. flowers are well presented on inflorescence with 2-3 flowers. Blooming size plants offered are growing in 2 or 3 in. pots. Many have bloomed or are spiking in this size.
Season: Free Flowering
Plant Size: Medium
Flower Size: ~5 in
Temperature: Int - Hot
Light: Bright diffussed; 2000-3000f.c
Water: Allow to drty between deep watering
Rest: Reduced water and fertilizer during cool weather
Media: Best mounted or basket; well drained media if potted
Fragrance: Slight, night fragrance